
About me, and this site.

Who I am, and notes about this site

#Introduce to you: I

Hi, I am BoHolder. For the design of this virtual character, check here. I am not sure if I can introduce myself with just a few lines, because I don’t like to label myself or others. I think each individual is unique. So please allow me to introduce myself as:

  • A craftsman who will meke some small crafts when inspired.
  • An information collector who is happy to share information that complies with OSINT Features.
  • A mouse for tomorrow’s cheese, actively changing operation mode in order to adapt to new environments.

I am happy to make friends and learn from each other, because a large number of weak ties are more conducive to the individual’s survival, in a variety of real-world environments.

#Contact me?

After a small research, I found that this image is not objectionable, so I used a larger map, and I am very sorry if it arouses your dislike.

#About this site

#I did it! finally

As the website name shows, here is an output interface for me to share various things. From quite a long ago, I thought about having a personal website to share the interesting comics I found. The way webpages are deployed is updated year by year, from the old pure HTML, to the current fancy dynamic JavaScript-powered webpage, but building and maintaining the website seems still to be a big job. In addition, I like to act unobtrusively and reduce the attack surface for social engineering attack. Therefore, the personal website is also like the New Year’s goal - delayed indefinitely.

Concealing your identity behind a handle is a juvenile and silly behavior characteristic of crackers, warez d00dz, and other lower life forms. Hackers don’t do this; they’re proud of what they do and want it associated with their real names. So if you have a handle, drop it. In the hacker culture it will only mark you as a loser.

Eric S. Raymond said the sentence above in his article How To Become A Hacker .

Oh, well, although the Internet environment in mainland China is different from the US, I don’t want to be treated as loser, and I want to show my hand-made rough crafts to everyone proudly. Maybe this will inspire others about more valuable idea.

When I was involved in the translation of the Let’s Encrypt Chinese documentation, I found the HUGO Website Framework , which blog posts are generated by converting from my favorite Markdown format. Looking through the documentation, I have an idea in my mind - that is it.

By the way, there is always something that you want to share with others, isn’t it?
