Safety signs for programming

I maked up some safety signs for software development department based on the content of ISO 7010 (graphic hazard symbols). Take it easy, they are only for entertainment purposes. BTW, the size of these images is 3000-1000, and you can use them as Twitter header pictures.

#Show them!

#Wash your hands before debugging


Origin: ISO7010-M011 - Wash your hands
Origin symbol: same as origin

This one is related to a habit in our country. In ancient times, when doing sacred things, in order to ensure success and prove their sincerity, people would bathe and put on clean clothes. Even now, some young people wash their hands and faces before play the paid lottery of the game to ensure that they can get good rewards. Sounds funny, right? In fact, I am also doing it.

Therefore, before doing the sacred debug, you should wash your hands with sincerity to ensure bugs discovery. Try it before the next debug work.

#Refer to offical manual to avoid potential errors


Origin: ISO7010-M002 – Refer to instruction manual/booklet
Origin symbol: same as origin

I believe that every software developer has this experience: tring a new framework or tool, through Stack Overflow or a personal blog, or a third-party website that provides a simple series of tutorials. Yes, this is tempting, because the official documentation is always hard to be read through because of its length.

But this obviously increases a variety of potential risks: incorrectly initializing operations, incomplete API lists, and so on, which can ultimately delay development plans. The first time I used MongoDB was to read the W3C API documentation, because it wasn’t complete, it took me a long time to look for a working API, until I realized that I wasn’t looking at the official documentation.

So I think it is necessary to make a notice to tell every programmer, even I believe that most of us already know it.

#No pushing unfinished code into master branch


Origin: ISO7010-P017 – No pushing
Origin symbol: see below


I even think that the code should not to be pushed to the remote until the code passes the developer’s own unit test. This may be a bit too undue? I’m not sure.

This sign comes from my true experience. When an untested code is uploaded to the remote git repository on Friday night, and is automatically published to the test environment, our poor test environment down. I won’t talk about the technical details (in fact, I am not very sure about the reason). Our code configuration administrator spent a day positioning the problem next Monday, and forced to rebase git back to Friday morning.

Anyway, it is worthwhile to promote the development operation, that code should be tested locally before being pushed to the remote.

#No pushing server hard for passing stress test


Origin: ISO7010-P017 – No pushing
Origin symbol: see above

push someone hard, push server hard(ware), that’s all. I am not a native English speaker, I think this is a pun, um.

If this is not a pun, then treat it as a sick joke.

#Break it to obtain access


Origin: ISO7010-E008 – Break to obtain access
Origin symbol: see below


The purpose of this symbol in ISO 7010 is to break the protective glass, to obtain emergency equipment such as a fire alarm button or fire extinguisher.

The meaning of my sign has a bit of cracker’s thought: Break (the security system of) this device to gain its access. One thing you must understand is that have access of a device does not have to break it, or its security system. It’s because the original text of ISO 7010 is so, I just want to keep the text same.

#Source of inspiration

Here is wikipedia ISO 7010 link , and here is origin link about ISO 7010 .

When I saw the head picture of a security researcher, thaddeus e. grugq’s Twitter , I was amused by the idea of it. The source of this sign seems to be Duo Security , according to text in this image, but I can’t search for it to prove my guess.

“return-to-libc” is a computer security attack method, “libc” is not a real department or laboratory#C’s abbreviation. As Duo Security is a computer security business, who designed it must did this by purpose.


In particular, I declare that I don’t have any rights to the image above. I made it a static image just because the Tracking Protection feature of a browser like Firefox prevents getting a Twitter image from my website.

#Follow-up plan

Um… Actually it is the reason why I am anxious to build a website. I need a fully controllable image sharing interface to host this idea.

I originally wanted to make up about 10 or so. I didn’t expect the inspiration to be exhausted after 5 pictures. Well, I’ll keep it for now, and I’ll update when I come out new idea.

Unfortunately, I don’t think any of the five pictures will match that twitter head picture.
But I hope you can be amused by my images.

That’s all, see you next time.
