DIY notepad++,MarkDown(Obsidian) User-Defined-Language for Notepad++2.1(syntax highlight)

I found that Markdown is really suitable for me who won’t open the ms word but open a text editor. But my favorite notepad++ does not have the markdown syntax highlighting for dark theme, and I have no search, what should I do? Just make one, and share it!

#1. Intro

I started writing markdown documents with Notepad++ and awesome plugin MarkdownViewerPlusPlus .

One of my installed plugin give me a markdown language format:“Markdown(default)” in User Defined Languages. But it’s designed for light backgroud so it’s not suitable for me.So I made a dark view format, based on Obsidian-theme and that default markdown format.

Nppp Official doc: User Defined Languages

UDL documentation site

#2. Function

High light Markdown tags.

<!—-> http comment, # headline can be fold.

#3. Import&Usage

  1. download format xml file
  2. Open notepad++, select Menubar -> Language -> User Defined Languages
  3. Click on the top left corner “import” option, import it. If it’s succeed, notepad++ will pop up a info window.
  4. Restart notepad++, open a markdown file(.md) and enjoy writing.

example image
